Links of Possible Interest to Maize Cooperators
Maize Information:
- Maize Genetics and Genomics Database (MaizeGDB)
- Maize Genetics Cooperation - Newsletter
- Guide to Maize Mutant Phenotypes
- Maize Genetics Nomenclature
- Maize research
- POPcorn
- How to do controlled pollinations in maize
- Other Controlled Pollination Guides:
- Other items of interest to Maize Cooperators
- Maize Genome Projects (NSF)
- Maize Phenotype Queries
- Zea Species
Page (Gramene)
- The Corn Growers Guidebook (Purdue University)
- Maize Germplasm Video (Biofortified - YouTube)
- Maize Germplasm Collection at the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station
- CIMMYT's Maize Germplasm Bank
- Germplasm Enhancement of Maize project
- Corn Development (University of Wisconsin)
- Corn Growth and Development (Iowa State University)
- History of Corn Culture and Research, Maize Genome and Beyond (CSHL)
- CornCam - Watch corn grow
- Illinois Maize Breeding & Genetics Laboratory
- Maize Meiosis Images (at FSU)
- NCBI Maize Genome View
- TIGR Maize Database
- National Corn Growers Association
- American Corn Growers Foundation
- Optimizing Greenhouse Production of Maize (Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University)
- Maize Insects (University of Minnesota)
- Corn Root Worm (Purdue)
- Maize herbicide Injury Symptoms (University of Florida)
- Diseases of Maize (University of Illinois)
- Scouting Corn (North Carolina State University)
- Maize @ Wikipedia
- The Biology of Maize (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
- Maize Description (Purdue)

Genetic Resources:
- Other Genetic Stock Centers
- The National Plant Germplasm System
- Plant Comparative Genomics Database
- Gramene
- GENESYS - Gateway to genetic resources
- International Conference and Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ICPPGR)
Other Agricultural Resources: