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Maize COOP Stocks Information

Detailed information about our stocks and the mutations that they carry are listed in the Maize Genetics and Genomics Database (MaizeGDB). A few methods to obtain information about our stocks from MaizeGDB include:

corn grass mutant
  • Hypertext Stock List (an up-to-date catalog of our stocks that is linked to information contained in MaizeGDB).

    A backup of this stock catalog in case one has difficulty loading the above.

  • Advanced Stock Query Form (use this to find stocks of interest in our collection; one can restrict to Maize COOP stocks only).
  • Simple Query Note: Please keep in mind that MaizeGDB also lists many stocks that are not in our collection, please pay attention to the 'available from: field'.
variation in corn cob color

Information about our stocks can also be obtained from the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN).

Listings of stocks from other collections that are at least partially being incorporated into our collection are also available. This includes information about genetic stocks of Brink, McClintock, Rhoades, and Robertson.